Zeitungsartikel über Menschenfotografen Ralf Steinberger
Kunst-Ausstellung in der Münchner Autorengalerie
Portrait photo competition winner
Animation movie created using expressive portraits
Photography and sculpture exhibition in Germignaga
Kyiv before the War
About Water (Photography Exhibition)
Visions on Water - Photography Exhibition
Soviet impressions from Georgia (country)
On the road in Latvia and Lithuania
Painting and Photography (Exhibition)
Bologna, lively historical city in Italy
Where the dead go. Photo zine on how societies deal with death
Photographing religious rites – Journal article
Menschen und ihre Kulturen – Fotoausstellung
Photographers during 10 weeks of COVID quarantine
New Soulscape video using my photos
Modern Hunters. Zine on the soul of street photography
Photo exhibition at the Court House in Wolfratshausen (near Munich) lasting 8 months
Beautiful Corona Carnival in Venice