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Table Tennis at the Mini-Atomiade in June 2024

Table tennis players participating in the Mini-Atomiade 2024 held in Angera (VA), Italy.

The table tennis tournament at the Mini-Atomiade 2024 was organised by Hilde Gerlach (JRC-Ispra Table Tennis Club) and various helpers from the Ispra and Angera clubs. The tournament took place in Angera (VA), Italy.

Seven active teams competed against each other and, in a separate competition, seven hobby teams.
Each encounter consisted of five games.

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Need your love so badFleetwood Mac
00:00 / 03:53

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The winners of the active teams were ASCEA Cadarache 1, JRC-Ispra and EFSA.
The winners of the hobby teams were ASCEA Cadarache, KIT and JRC-Ispra 2.

The following photos were taken by Franco and Ralf from the JRC-Ispra 2 team.

Thanks to all for the friendly ambiance, the fair play and the good mood!
And Mille Grazie to Hilde for having put so much time and effort into organising
this joyful event!

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The following photos are shown in chronological order.
You can download them by clicking on the 'down' arrow below the photo.

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